FMP a New Font Direction

I am taking the fact that have lot all of my work as an opportunity to totally change the tone of my work. I think that I had gotten myself stuck in a sort of rut. Because I had created my own font I was set in that I had to use it. This is not the case at all. I decided to look at other font choices and decided to take this loss of work as semi-good thing.

Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 23.54.09I decided to keep it simple and bold by using Futura. It is a simple geometric font that I hope compliments the use of circles throughout the publication.

Labour used Neo Sans in a lot of their campaign material In the years of Ed Milliband whereas Jeremy Corbyn has been leaning toward using Avenir in the 2017 manifesto I reflected this by using it as my body font.

Everything has gone wrong

So basically everything has gone wrong that could go wrong. So when updating photoshop earlier today something disastrous happened. My laptop crashed and whipped everything and I’m not just talking about files I’m talking about the operating system aswell. So I currently only have a couple of screenshots from my instagram and my usb stick. This means I am basically going to have to start again. And it won’t let me install off the back up hard drive or from my Apple account as I got the laptop second hand and haven’t gotten the operating system registered to my account.

I have a tiny amount of hope that the person in the repair shop will be able to get some of my work back. If their website is true to word.

Granted to say I am panicking considering I was hoping to send to print early next week.


Update everything ha gone never to return I am just going to have to soldier on and redo it all luckily I still have a number of PDFs of my work from this year on but I have lot the working files and the development of my competitions which I had expanded upon an awful lot and don’t have time to redo as I have lost all my work from the FMP.

Critcallity Weetabrexit


By Sketching out the logo I found that keeping the ‘Weet’ fitted in well with adding ‘Brexit’ at the end making it out to become ‘Weetabrexit’ and it fits well as it is only four letters different. I wanted to mimic the style of box with the colours and imagery. But I wanted to add some humour to it and I thought to add the meme of the prime minister laughing. This could make it look like she thinks Brexit is just a laugh.

31959425_10214182264822550_3521751476231733248_n I then bought these concepts into photoshop and manipulated the Weetabix logo into the box.Rectangle 1611product-box-mockup I really like the outcome of this project overall but I wish I had done more of these smaller details like the best before date is the day we are due to leave the EU.

Rectangle 17 copy,

Penguin Book Cover- Review

Another year another penguin book cover. This year I undertook the challenge in reimaging George Orwell’s classic Animal Farm.  I was interested in the layers of authority in the book and how at the beginning it is hidden within the animals and it comes to light quickly. So it was really hard not to include an image of a pig so I tried to make it less obvious and more of a background texture. There is a number of different layers to this even into the same elements like I have separated the CYMK colours and attempted a glitch style effect.

I am not massively happy with the back cover of this design the white box annoys me senseless I should have had a plain coloured background to contrast the cover and spine. 482a3eec-ce63-46e0-8001-aa28613b8a53_rw_1200

FMP- Frist Draft

The development I had decided on going with a friendly tone using hand-drawn type and layering the colours, this will be mixed in with found (Copyright free images). The Roses are from the British Libraries Catalogue of images whom’s copyright has run out so that is free for the public to modify and reuse.

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With the last two spreads, the circles have meanings of equality as there are no sides so in turn, they are the same length. This is also the reason the individual pages are square to show this value of the Labour Party (Not just that it is an in trend shape for a magazine).

My typesetting needs so so so much work the justified type is lazy and leaves so many blank spaces and massive rivers.

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